Thursday, 30 April 2015

Art Video Game Reflection

Trisha Voisin
Memory Art Game about Discrimination Against Woman

When I was working on this assignment, I leaned a few new techniques when using the program 'Adobe Flash Professional CC 2014'. These techniques are: Inserting key frames, importing photos to the program, and changing text colour, font, size and the background.
At the beginning of the Art Video Game my plans were:
An object that could represent 'Discrimination Against Girls' is pots and pans. This affects are world in many ways. Three ways that this could affect this world is by: 1) Girls mainly in Afghanistan do not
learn about how to read, write, or anything else that happens during school. 2) Sexist Men still think that there wife should stay at home and do the cooking, cleaning, take care of children, and shopping. 3) Sexist Men believe that woman should not be doing a mans job: such as plumbing, carpenter, and farmer.
This affects the world because those woman will never now what it is like to earn money herself for her family/ never be able to do what see loves most.
What I can use for each section are,
1.The instruction Screen Background-bunch of different photos of girls doing guy jobs
2.The Game Background-girl being confused in a kitchen
3.The question Side Of The Cards-girly pattern
4.The Picture Side Of The Cards
-girls holding books in a hall
-woman cooking
-woman cleaning
-woman taking care of kids
-woman going crazy taking care of kids
-woman being forced to stay at home
-woman shopping for food
5.Fonts/Game Description/Messages-big and colorful fonts
6.The Lose Screen, Messages-girl pouting/crying

In the end some of my ideas changed. Some examples of this are: 1)For the instruction page i put a girl looking at her computers while talking on the phone. Instead of a bunch of different photos of girls doing guys jobs. 2)For the cards I use a girl walking away from school, a woman standing waiting for her husband to eat, a woman shopping with her child, a woman going crazy with her kids playing, a woman cleaning while her husband just sits watching television, a woman bring food for her husbands and his friends, and lastly a woman putting away her child's toys. Instead of girls holding books in a hallway, woman cooking, woman cleaning, woman going crazy taking care of her kids, woman being forced to stay at home, and woman shopping for food. 3)For the background I have a star background with hand holding the earth. Instead of a girl being confused in the kitchen.

There were no artists or anyone that has influenced my work in anyway.

I emphasized the losing page by picking a picture that is in black and white picture of a pouting little girl.
I emphasized the winning page by putting a girl that is so happy that she is on her knees crying.
I emphasized the home page by putting the world in outer space. Also, I putting the symbol for males and females to say that this problem is not just in one country it is everywhere.

My personal motivation beyond the requirements of this assignment is that I know so many people that are friends of my family that are females who have sexist husbands. They are hardly ever aloud to leave the house, they are supposed to stay home and do all the house work, i.e. cooking and cleaning, etc. So my motivation stemmed from my need to make their husbands (and husbands/men like them) see that the way they treat women is wrong and extremely out-dated; they need to get the hint that it's the twenty first century.

I think that the most interesting and successful elements of the game is the backgrounds on the home page, winning page and the losing page.
The thing that surprised me the most are how well the combination of the pictures for the home page combined together. Also, throughout the process I had no idea what to do for the cards.
With additional time I think that I would change most of the pictures for the cards and the how to play page background.

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